Water Safety Program

Water Safety Education

Rockwall Swim School would like to continue our commitment to your child’s safety by presenting a water safety program to day cares, preschools, and many more and share our Safer 3 message in a fun and educational way! The Safer 3 water safety education program is a comprehensive initiative to dramatically reduce drowning incidents by:
1. Recognize risks associated with water related activities
2. Implementing strategies to reduce and manage those risks
3. Responsibly maintaining those strategies

The program is especially critical to preschool through early grade school aged children (ages 4-7) because the statistics show that those children are at the most risk of unintentional drowning and near-drowning incidents. Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional death to children nationally. The CPSC found that from 2006 to 2008 an annual average of 383 pool- or spa-related fatalities involved children younger than 15.

The main concept of the Safer 3 is based on the definition of the word “Safe.” Safe means you are free from risk of harm or danger. When it comes to water, that simply isn’t true. There is always risk when you are in, on or around the water. The risk may vary in degree from very slight to very severe.

Over time, we believe the Safer 3 will dramatically lower accidental drowning, possibly even eliminating unnecessary deaths altogether. With your help, we can realize that goal sooner rather than later.

Safer Water
Safer Water means identifying where the risks are with any body of water (bathtubs, pools, spas, lakes, rivers or oceans) and learning how to reduce those risks. For example installing barriers such as isolation fencing around a backyard pool would reduce the risk of unauthorized access to the pool by young children.

Safer Kids
Safer Kids covers the behaviors necessary for both kids and parents to promote water safety. These water safety tips include constant responsible supervision by adults, along with swimming skills attained through ongoing qualified instruction for kids.

Safer Response
Safer Response overviews emergency response techniques and emergency action plans as a path to water safety. Learning cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid, as well as having a phone by the pool at all times, are just a few of the water safety tips covered here.

Schedule your Safety Seminar!

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